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The 5 Most Common Residential Clogged Drain Issues

A clogged drain is arguably the most common plumbing issue faced in homes around the world. Identifying the source of the clog helps in preventing such occurrences in the future. Proper drain cleaning performed on a regular basis by the best plumbers Lafayette CA residents trust also helps in preventing clogs from occurring.

Here are the five most common clogging issues for drains. Once identified, they can be addressed by your trusted local plumber.

Bad Odor

The smell of sewage is unmistakable and if you smell it coming up from any of the drains in your home, that could mean a backup is occurring. This is usually caused by pollutants that are backing up into the drains and it will need to be addressed quickly before it comes into your home. Call a professional plumbing service to assess the problem and take quick action.

Clogs that Reoccur

If you keep clearing out clogs that only come back, it means that whatever is causing the situation to occur is not being removed. This usually means that a partial blockage of the pipe still exists and when hair, grease, or debris gets into the drain it clogs up again. Here, you will need the services of a plumber to clean out the drain properly so that the clog does not reoccur.

Multiple Clogs

If more than one drain is clogged, such as the skin, toilet, and shower, that probably means a clog in the main line of your drain. Unfortunately, this is the type of clog that you cannot do anything about because it is too far away for household drainage chemicals to work. You will need to call a plumber who can clear the blockage for you.

Slow Drain

While a slow drain may seem like a minor annoyance at first, it can be the sign of much worse things to come. There are several reasons why your drain is slower than normal, but the most common is the narrowing of the pipe due to buildups of grease or minerals. It may be that your drainage system is not properly graded. In any case, you’ll want to call a plumber to clean out the drains if normal household drain cleaners are not working.

Sewer Backup

A backup of sewage is arguably the worst plumbing-associated issue that you face. The polluted water represents a real health issue to you and anyone else living inside. Evidence of a potential backup includes seepage into your basement or near the floor drain which means that a backup in imminent. The sooner you call your trusted plumbing service, the faster they can arrive on the scene to limit the potential damage to your home. By acting on the first warning sign, you may save yourself from thousands of dollars of damage caused by a sewage backup.

You can prevent many clogging issues from occurring with regular drain cleaning which keeps the pipes clean and free of debris. However, there may be certain times when you will need the services of plumbers Lafayette CA businesses and residents use to maintain and repair their drain pipes.


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